The Bethany Baptist Worship Ministry comprises Music, Choirs, Hospitality, Ushers, and the Creative Fine Arts Ministry (CFAM – dance, mime, drama, and LYNX).
The Worship Ministry uses every facet of the arts to usher the congregation into praise, worship, reflection, adoration, and gratification as our hearts are prepared to receive the Word of God. We have been commanded by the Word of God to praise Him, and our Worship Ministry is doing just that with every breath we take!
Our Women of Judah Dance Ministry is a spirit-filled facet of the Bethany Baptist Worship Ministry. Our primary goal is to use the creative art of dance to usher the congregation into a place of praise, worship, reflection, and meditation. Our objective is to minister healing, deliverance, and joy, and to prepare the hearts and minds of the congregation to receive the preached Word of God. Additionally, we train, equip, and activate dance ministers with the ability to effectively use the ministry of dance to evangelize the lost, to edify the people of God, and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This ministry comprises three phases of transition: 1.) introduction to the dance ministry (10-week Class of Excellence), 2.) dramatic technique and artistic expression, 3.) advanced development, including becoming a teacher of the ministry of dance.
The Women of Judah Dance Ministry is open to women ages 18-50 and meets Thursdays from 6-8 p.m. and Saturdays from 9-11 a.m. In order to join the ministry, one must attend the Class of Excellence, which is held on Friday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m. for 10 consecutive weeks.
If you would like more information about the Women of Judah Dance Ministry,
please contact Sis. Justice Harris at or
The goal of Bethany Baptist’s Music Ministry is to usher the congregation into a place of praise and worship that invites the presence of God into the experience. Our Music Ministry also strives to set the stage for the spoken Word of God. The ministry uses a variety of music to accomplish this, including the gospel, contemporary, and urban genres.
As another powerfully anointed part of our Worship Ministry, our choirs are made up of men and women who have a heart for singing and also leading people into the presence of God. We currently have four choirs who serve the congregation…
• The Voices of Praise – The largest choir at Bethany. Affectionately called “The Voices.” Specializing in a wide range of styles and genres. From praise and worship to contemporary, The Voices most resemble that of the traditional church choir.
• The Ensemble Choir – The choir that explores music ministry with a group sound. The harmonies, song selection, personality, and sound is much like that of an ensemble.
• The Disciples for Christ – The Disciples for Christ (DFC) choir is much like a community choir. The excitement level, choreography, and overall presentation appeals to both the old and young alike. DFC is a high-energy choir that is aggressive in its ministry presentation.
• Abundant Harvest Choir: Voices, Ensemble, and DFC– When all these choirs come together, the Abundant Harvest Choir is formed. In order to participate in any of the other singing aggregations, members are required to be a part of the whole. The sound of Abundant Harvest is that of a mass choir, specializing in bringing together all genres of music by pulling from the sound, personality, music styles, and strengths of each organization. Abundant Harvest choir consists of up to 350 singers all giving God the glory and praise on one accord.
Our choirs are open for membership for anyone who wishes to join. After completing the new members class, you may join any one of the four choirs. All new choir members will then complete a 90-day probationary period prior to singing with their selected choir. During probation, new members are required to attend all rehearsals to familiarize themselves with the material.
We welcome you to learn more about our Choirs. Please contact us at or 856.784.2220 x202.
The Sons of Asaph are talented and dynamic musicians who are gifted and anointed to lead the entire Worship Ministry to a heightened level of praise, worship, and ministry. Their hearts and souls are sanctified, unified, and orchestrated by the Holy Spirit, allowing them to minister in one accord as they maintain a level of worship that prepares the Worship Ministry and the congregation for the Word of God. Not only are our Sons (and Daughters potentially) gifted in the area of musical instruments, they also count among their numbers gifted lyricists and anointed singers. Above all, they love the Lord!
We invite you to find out more about the Sons of Asaph. Please contact us at or 856.784.2220 x202.
Our Creative Fine Arts Ministry (CFAM) demonstrates the Word of God through drama in order to save the unsaved, edify and encourage the saved, and glorify God.
CFAM welcomes people to serve in whatever capacity that God will have them to serve. This ministry leads souls to Christ through outreach. We are a ministry that ministers unto the Lord through comedy, crafts, dance, drama, mime, poetry, song, and TV and film. We are not about entertaining; we are strictly about delivering the Word of God through each component.
We currently meet on Mondays from 7:30-9:30 p.m. When announced, we also hold Introduction to Drama classes on the first and third Fridays (seven classes total). Once you have completed the intro classes, you are awarded a certificate and given the opportunity to make an even greater impact through CFAM.
If you want to find out more about our Creative Fine Arts Ministry, please contact us at or 856.782.6764.
The members of the Hospitality Committee are the “Ministers of Welcome” for Bethany Baptist Church. The Committee plays a vital role in making the worship service a positive experience, and those who serve are hosts/hostesses to all who arrive for this special time together.
The Hospitality Committee serves at …
• New Years Eve Night Watch Service
• Easter Sunrise Service
• Officer’s Appreciation Banquet
• Senior Citizen’s “Everybody’s Birthday Celebration”
• Annual Church Picnic
• Senior Citizen’s Annual Christmas Party
• Children’s Christmas Toy Give-A-Way Banquets
• Usher’s Day
Our intentions are to serve the worshippers by being informative, directive, hospitable, offering guidance, and helping to create a positive atmosphere that will allow the Gospel of Christ to be heard and received.
Volunteers are welcome to join us every 1st Monday of each month at 6 p.m. If you would like more information about our Hospitality Committee, please contact us at or 856.784.1550.
The Ushers Ministry serves as ambassadors of both Christ and Bethany Baptist Church. We see our ministry as a small part of preparing the way for the Holy Spirit to minister to people’s needs through praise and worship, sermons, the Music Ministry, and through the various ministries at the church.
Our functions include the following …
• Welcoming people when they come through our doors, seating them, and making them feel glad they came
• Supporting the church’s ministries
• Lending our support at Bishop Evans’ speaking engagements
• Serving when and where needed
The divisions of the Ushers Ministry includes …
Senior Usher Board
Ages 18 and over
Contact: Brother George Beacham
Meeting Schedule: 1st Monday of the month at 7 p.m.
Junior Usher Board
Ages 8-17 years
Contacts: Sister Jennifer Moore or Sister Chequita Richardson
Meeting Schedule: Thursday before 2nd Sunday at 6:30 p.m.
If you would like more information about our Ushers Ministry, please contact us at or 856.784.1550.